Rui Duarte

Financial Advisor

Rui Duarte (RD) is a dedicated professional with proven experience in Corporate Finance, Investment Banking and Private Equity areas 
Started his career in 2000 working in Fincor, Investment Management portfolios, covering a large spectrum of activities related to trading securities from technical and fundamental analysis and as an stock operator. Started as an intern and soon would became a Branch manager.
From 2005 to 2012 Rui assumed a role as Financial and Private Clients Advisor with Best Bank, eventually becoming specialized in debt markets and mutual funds analysis for private investors. 
From 2012 to 2016 as CFO and head of the African Banking Training department in Plurália – a well reputed corporate and banking consultant based in Angola  
From 2017 unitl now Rui is the Head of Financial and Impact Reporting with EBG Investment Solutions (Zurich), a swiss based alternative investments advisor, working closely with some of the largest pension funds globally and specialized in Sustainability and Impact long term investments, namely private equity, infrastructure and real assets Impact Funds. 
At the same time, RD accumulates the role as CFO and partner of ZENN – a portguese IT company dedicated to provide corporate IT and digital services.
As a private and independent contractor and along with main roles described, RD has also actively participated in numerous projects in Corporate Finance (financial modelling for several infrastructure business proposals) and in Banking Training and Consulting along with corporate reputed institutions like Standard Bank (Africa), BFI (Cape Verde), Galp (Portgual), Maersk (Global), Chevron (USA), Sonangol (Angola), Angolan Trading Securities COmmission (CVM) or Angolan National Bank (BNA), among others.  
Rui has a Master equivalent Degree (licenced pre-Bologne) in Business and Administration at Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI), Covilhã and has several professional certifications namely a Certificate for Equity and Futures Market Operations – issued by Euronext, Lisbon and a Certificate in Banking and Insurance – issued by the Portuguese Institute for Bank Training (IFB), Lisbon.